This is one of my favorite videos on Youtube. I have probably watched it 20 times at this point. Hal Galper is a legendary jazz pianist and educator and this video will make you rethink everything about approaching your instrument and your time feel.
We were always taught to play with as much emotion as we possibly can, right? What Hal says about minimizing emotion in this lesson is astounding. We can still create a very real emotional connection to the music we are playing without letting that interfere with our technique and the way we play our instrument.
Hal’s stance on feeling the time will also open you up to completely different ways of doing things. Jazz time should be felt on 2 and 4 right? WRONG. You will swing so much harder if you feel the strong beats in the measure and it creates a much more even and flowing feel when playing swing 8th notes. Check out what Hal says about watching legendary musicians play and the fact that they feel 1 and 3 much more than 2 and 4. I have checked out a million videos and he is right! Working this into my practicing has done a lot for me and I suggest you try it as well.
What an incredible player, musician, and person Hal Galper is. We should all strive to understand and feel music as deeply as this man. Enjoy this video and prepare to change your thoughts on so much of what we do as students of jazz!
Talk Soon,
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