The search is important, especially in music and anything creative. When we are searching we are alive and alert. Open to input and ready to put our creations into the universe. We are testing them and receiving feedback. Our minds are sizzling with a quest for knowledge and improvement.
Once we convince ourselves that the search is over, we think we have arrived. This is equal to death for creativity. We will never arrive at our ultimate creative zenith acting un-searchingly. Striving for more is what keeps our art alive and interesting.
When you feel like your search has arrived at a destination, start a new journey! Our creative lives hang in the balance.
Will Schmit
Took your advice and put iRealPro on my work phone looping I-V-I in 12 keys. Singing along, or whistling while I work, helps me feel the rhythm of life. Thanks for tip. (By the way I am new listener/subscriber so don’t quite know how to navigate your site)